Going home to Israel for a month the day after tomorrow. Haven't been there over a year now, or out of Japan for that matter, and as the last days fly by I'm beginning to wonder...
Is there really anything out there? It my be the island thing, or the homogeneity of Japan's population, but it seems that I've caught whatever it is that makes some of the Japanese not quite worldly. I cannot imagine being anywhere out of this country. Imagining myself going out to the streets of Amsterdam (where I have a few hours in between flights) and the air would be cool (and, hopefully breathable, unlike the insane humidity of Kyoto's summer), the people blond (and big) and the city so different. I've been to Amsterdam in 2002, liked it a lot.
Even less can I imagine being back to Israel. It's not like I have lost contact. Through the miracles of modern texhnology I was able to keep record of whatever our neighbours were dropping on us where, and which of our heads of state was inolved in what scandal. But - Israel is a state of mind. Once you are out of its limits - you only think you know.
Ok, time to move. Sincerely hoping to write a lot about the trip. Sayonara, Kyoto!
dear gypsy chic,
google brought me over your sad songs post when looking for "Con la frente marchita." i am so happy to have found this song, i would love to have it on my computer. could you maybe email it to me (christine.schranz@gmx.at)? that would be great, i am in love with this song...
best wishes from austria,
I think this is the same camel I saw on the way to the Dead Sea??!!
I was in Israel last summer....had an amazing time...but I'm sure I recognize this camel....
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